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reference papers in English language
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K. (2003):
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Pp. 151-165 in Critical Environmental and Health Education. Research
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Venka Simovska (eds.), The Danish University of Education.
Derek (2000):
Action competence, social capital and the health promoting school.
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Eva (2000):
Conditions for developing democracy, action competence and environmental
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Is there anything special about environmental education in the Nordic
region? Conflicting interests in the use of natural resources -
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Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordic Publishing House. 519: 13-17.
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in the Nordic Countries, Research Centre for Environmental and Health
Education, The Royal Danish School of Educational Studies, s. 44-64.
Finn (1996):
The MUVIN Research Project, Pp. 143-151. In Rune Wikström (ed.):
Implementation of Environmental Education in the Community, Proceedings
from the 5th Conference on Environmental Education in Europe, 22-27
October 1996, Mid Sweden University, Sweden.
S. (1995).
Towards a New Concept of Environmental Education. The Conference
on the Exchange of Promising Experiences in Environmental Eduation
in Great Britain and the Nordic countries. 11-13- November 1994,
Karlslunde, Denmark, European Research and Training Centre on Environmental
Education, University of Bradford.
Knud, Ole B. Larsen & Stephen Walker (eds.) (1995):
Democracy in schools, citizenship and global concern. Studies in
Educational Theory and curriculum. Vol 18. Royal Danish School of
Education Studies. ((Now Danish University of Education)) Copenhagen.
Finn (1995):
School Initiatives related to Environmental Change - Development
of Action Competence, in: Bjarne Bruun Jensen (ed.): Research in
Environmental and Health Education, Forskningscenter for Miljø-
Sundhedsundervisning, Danmarks Lærerhøjskole. Copenhagen.
Schnack, K.
Democratisation, Citizenship and Action Competence.
In: Jensen, K. O.B. Larsen & S. Walker (eds.). Democracy in
Schools, Citizenship and Global Concern,
Royal Danish School of Educational Studies.
Schnack, K.
The Didactics of Challenge,
In: Stefan Hopman and Kurt Riquarts (eds.): Didaktik and/or Curriculum,
Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften an
der Universität Kiel.
Søren (1994).
Persuation or democratic participation to foster environmental activity
among citizens? Pp. 37-41 in Raising the Wadden Awareness. Proceedings
of the first international conference on public information and
education in the Wadden Sea area, EcoMare, Texel, the Netherlands
20-24 September 1993. Den Helder, EcoMare.
Jensen, Bjarne
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Action, Action Competence and Change in the Field of Environmental
and Health Education. Pp. 73-85 in: Jensen, B.B. & K. Schnack
(eds.): Action and Action Competence as Key Concepts in Critical
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Action Competence as an Educational Challenge. Pp. 5-18. In: Jensen,
B.B. & K. Schnack (eds.): Action and Action Competence as Key
Concepts in Critical Pedagogy. Studies in Educational Theory and
Curriculum vol. 12. Royal Danish School of Educational Studies.
((Now Danish University of Education)). Copenhagen.
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competence in pedagogy. Pp. 191-201 in: Jensen, B.B. & K. Schnack
(eds.): Action and Action Competence as Key Concepts in Critical
Pedagogy. Studies in Educational Theory and Curriculum vol. 12.
Royal Danish School of Educational Studies. ((Now Danish University
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Schnack, Karsten
further comments on the action competence debate. Pp. 185-190 in
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as Key Concepts in Critical Pedagogy. Studies in Educational Theory
and Curriculum vol. 12. Royal Danish School of Educational Studies.
((Now Danish University of Education)). Copenhagen.
Tones, Keith
promotion, empowerment and action competence. Pp. 163-185 in: Jensen,
B.B. & K. Schnack (eds.): Action and Action Competence as Key
Concepts in Critical Pedagogy. Studies in Educational Theory and
Curriculum vol. 12. Royal Danish School of Educational Studies.
((Now Danish University of Education)). Copenhagen.
Uzzell, David
L. (1994):
competence: Some theoretical issues and methodological problems.
Pp. 87-98 in Jensen, B.B. & K. Schnack (eds.): Action and Action
Competence as Key Concepts in Critical Pedagogy. Studies in Educational
Theory and Curriculum vol. 12. Royal Danish School of Educational
Studies. ((Now Danish University of Education)). Copenhagen.
Wals, Arjen
E. J.
taking and environmental problem solving in environmental education.
Pp. 135-162 in Jensen, B.B. & K. Schnack (eds.): Action and
Action Competence as Key Concepts in Critical Pedagogy. Studies
in Educational Theory and Curriculum vol. 12. Royal Danish School
of Educational Studies. ((Now Danish University of Education)).
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The new generation of environmental education focus on democracy
as part of an alternative paradigm. S. 199-202 Pp. Alternative Paradigms
in Environmental Education Research, R. Mrazek (ed.). Monographs
in Environmental Education Research VIII. The North American Association
for Environmental Education. Troy. Link.
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The Challenge to Environmental Education: Action Competence, in
Roy Williams (ed): Diversity Within Unity - an Approach to Education
for the Environment of Europe, University of Sussex.
Key reference papers in Scandinavian language
Breiting, S.,
K. Hedegaard, F. Mogensen, K. Nielsen og K. Schnack (1999):
Handlekompetence, interessekonflikter og miljøundervisning
- MUVIN-projektet, Odense Universitetsforlag 1999. Link.
Mogensen, Finn
Et didaktisk faghæfte om Miljøundervisning – udvikling
og evaluering, Didaktiske faghæfter fra Skoleevaluering –
4 by projektet, København
Engelsk internetversion:
Mogensen, Finn
Miljøundervisning, kritisk tænkning og udvikling af
handlekompetence (i) Bjarne Bruun Jensen m.fl. (red): Naturfagenes
Didaktik, Forskningstidskrift fra Danmarks Lærerhøjskole,
Finn (1995):
Handlekompetence som didaktisk begreb Pp. miljøundervisningen,
Ph.D-afhandling. Forskningscenter for Miljø- og
Sundhedsundervisning, Danmarks Lærer-højskole.
Mogensen, Finn
& Kirsten Nielsen (1999):
Spørgeskemaundersøgelse af elevers holdning og viden
om miljøspørgsmål, Foreningen af Danske Biologer
i. samarbejde med Forskningscenter for Miljø- og Sundhedsundervisning,
Danmarks Lærerhøjskole, København. .
Mogensen, Finn
Unge, miljøet – og undervisningen, tidsskriftet Miljøsk
nr 26, NOAH
Schnack, K.
Handlekompetence. In: Bisgaard, N.J. (red.). Pædagogiske teorier.
3. Udg. Værløse, Billesø & Baltzer.
Key reference papers
in other languages
Finn (2000):
Umwelterziehung – Entwicklung und Evaluation, Niedersächsisches
Landesinstitut fûr Fortbildung und Weiterbildung im Schulwesen
Medienpädagogik, Hildesheim, Tyskland
Jensen, Bjarne
Bruun (1998)
Akcija, Kompetentnost za akcija i promena vo poleto na zdravstveno
i sredinsko obrazovanie (Action, Action Competence and Change in
the Field of Environmental and Health Education). Pp. pp. 3-11 in:
Simovska, V & Kostarova-Unkovska, L. (eds.): Education for democracy
with democracy. Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy,
Skopje, Macedonia.
Breiting, S.
Hacia un nuevo concepto de educación ambiental. Carpeta informativa.
Centro National de Educacion Ambiental. Valsein-Segovia, CENEAM:
02.81-02.89. Link:
Link to table:
Breiting, Søren,
Eva Csobod, Petra Lindemann-Matthies and Jürgen Mayer (1997):
Plantando Arboles. Internet
Schnack, K.
Umweltbildung als politische Bildung in demokratischen Gesellschaften,
In: Schleicher, K. (Hrsg.). Umweltbewusstsein und Umweltbildung
in der Europäischen Union, Verlag Dr. R. Krämer, Hamburg.